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The Logo of St. George's College Jerusalem

The Campaign for St. George's College Jerusalem

For God, who said 'Let light shine out of darkness" made his light shine in our hearts.'

( 2 Corinthians 4:6)

A Century of Resilience:

Help Secure the Future of

St. George's College

Since its founding in 1920 as a theological college for Palestinian seminarians through its redevelopment in the 1960s as a center for formation and reconciliation for clergy and laity from the worldwide Anglican Communion and throughout the ecumenical Church, St. George's College, Jerusalem abides through times of relative stability and political and armed crisis in and around the Holy Land. 

Never before has a crisis so existentially challenged St. George’s College as the present one. The $2 million annual budget of St. George’s College is supported financially through an earned revenue stream (pilgrims’ fees, gift shop sales, non-pilgrim lodging fees, etc.) and through the generous contributions of its alumni. In the current crisis, the College’s earned revenue stream has been totally disrupted.

Never before has a crisis also presented the opportunity to ensure the College's thriving until the Lord returns. Friends of St. George's College from across the Anglican Communion are invited to participate in this holy and vitally important project through "Let the Light Shine Out of Darkness: The Campaign for St. George's College, Jerusalem."

Our goal is $1.195 million. Of that, $695,000 will sustain St. George’s College through 2025, as we navigate the present crisis in the Holy Land. The other $500,000 will build the endowment of the North American Committee for St. George’s College, which is the College’s primary source of funding and support, beyond income from pilgrims’ fees.

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"We are asking all our friends around the world to come together to help St. George's College and to walk with us during these dark times of war and distress. We ask you to be companions on the way so that we may continue to work and serve Christ in the ministry of pilgrimage and love and light. We thank all our friends and partners who have come through the doors of St. George's College and for those who will come in the future. We ask you to join hands with us and to be so generous so that we can continue to celebrate St. George's College as a beacon of life and love in Jerusalem and from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth."

The Most Reverend Hosam Naoum
Archbishop of Jerusalem and the Middle East

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Frequently Asked Questions

 What is the campaign goal?

Our goal is $1.195 million. Of that, $695,000 will sustain St. George’s College through 2025, as we navigate

the present crisis in the Holy Land. The other $500,000 will build the endowment of the North American

Committee for St. George’s College (NAC), which is the College’s primary source of funding and support,

beyond income from pilgrims’ fees.

What are the start and end dates of the campaign?

Let Light Shine Out of Darkness: The Campaign for St. George’s College, began August 1, 2024. Given the

volatility in the regions surrounding St. George’s College, the NAC board voted the campaign would continue for as long as needed, hopefully to be completed within three years.

What is being counted toward the campaign goal?

All gifts and pledges to NAC in support of St. George's College, not specifically designated for other purposes.

Funds collected by other regional committees in support of St. George’s College. All unrestricted gifts given directly to St. George’s College.

How many years are allowed for fulfilling a pledge?

Pledges may be fulfilled within one to three years; however an initial gift for the pledge is requested. Pledge reminders will be sent out annually.

Will NAC accept gifts of stock for the campaign?

Yes. Gifts of stock are coordinated through NAC’s executive director and are gratefully accepted.

Can gifts for the campaign come from an RMD (required minimum distribution)?

Yes. RMD funds for charitable purposes become a qualified charitable distribution (QCD), a tax-free way to

donate to a qualified charity. NAC is a qualified charity and will gladly accept QCD gifts. Donors are advised to

speak to their own financial advisors about specifics.


How can I stay informed about St. George’s College and the status of life there?

There are two ways to always know what is going on with St. George’s College.

• Sign up to receive up-to-date information by emailing

• Visit the St. George’s College website frequently.

How can I support St. George’s College in lieu of a financial gift?

There are many ways to show support for St. George’s College including prayer, being an advocate for St. George’s in your parish and community, and hosting a fundraising event. Contact to discuss how you might help.


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North American Committee St. George's College Jerusalem

In The United States

3737 Seminary Road

PMB 163 

Alexandria, VA 22304

In Canada

c/o Anglican Diocese of Ottawa 

71 Bronson Avenue 

Ottawa, ON K1R 6G6

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