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The Logo of St. George's College Jerusalem

North American Committee for St. George's College Jerusalem

About St. George's College Jerusalem

St. George’s College is the Anglican pilgrimage center in Jerusalem welcoming people as pilgrims from all around the world. The College is part of the complex that includes the Cathedral Church of St. George the Martyr, the Pilgrim Guest House, and the offices of the Diocese of Jerusalem.

St. George’s College  proudly celebrated its 100th year in 2020. Its length of service and unique context mean we offer a place where clergy and lay people from across the Anglican Communion as well as a variety of other traditions, can share in a short-term experience of community, pilgrimage, education, interfaith dialogue and reconciliation.

Jerusalem is not only a meeting place for Christians from around the world.  It is also a home to Jews and Muslims, it offers rich possibilities for interfaith engagement for those who visit. All of the College pilgrimages provide encounters with local  Palestinian Christians and address the historical and current complexities of the Abrahamic faiths in the Land through presentations of interweaving narratives.

Through service to the Anglican world and beyond, St. George’s College aims to fulfill its mission:

  • Local – as a mission institution of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem we bear witness to Christ in the Holy Land

  • Global – we offer opportunities for pilgrimage, interfaith encounter, reconciliation, research and spiritual formation within the Anglican Communion, reaching other churches as well


The College’s modern, three-story building can house up to 40 residential guests at any one time.  Its well-appointed sleeping rooms, “smart” classroom, common rooms, rooftop recreational area, and lovely gardens provide a perfect home for pilgrims intent upon an engaging stay in the Holy Land unlike standard tours or pilgrimages.


The Archbishop of Canterbury is patron of St. George’s College.

About The North American Committee
St. George's College 

The North American Committee for St George’s College Jerusalem, (NAC), was founded in 1988 to raise money for the College and to manage an endowment, which provides funds to pay key staff salaries, to support the educational and cultural programs of the College, to support expansion and maintenance of the College’s physical facilities, and to provide scholarships for pilgrims. NAC is the primary source of funding for St George’s College outside of pilgrim fees.  During the pandemic, NAC provided over $775,000 to support the College, facility renovations and staff salaries.

Help Secure the Future of St. George's College

We ask St. George’s friends throughout the Anglican Communion to join our campaign, “Let Light Shine Out of Darkness: The Campaign for St. George's College” with immediate gifts and three-year pledges. We are confident that the funds needed can be secured. We marvel at the resiliency of St. George’s College, and we know that the well of affection for the College is deep and abiding. Let us help to bring some joy and hope out of these times of terrible suffering by securing the future of St George’s College.

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North American Committee St. George's College Jerusalem

In The United States

3737 Seminary Road

PMB 163 

Alexandria, VA 22304

In Canada

c/o Anglican Diocese of Ottawa 

71 Bronson Avenue 

Ottawa, ON K1R 6G6

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